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Partner's Eclectic Tournament

Pick a partner and join the fun. The first day is a best ball format between you and your partner. Select the best net and gross score on each hole. On Day 2, select the best score for each hole from day 1 or day 2. Winners will be low gross and 1st and 2nd low net in each flight.

To enter this tournament, please fill out this email form. Be sure to include your name, ghin number and index and the name and ghin number and index of your partner. If you do not have a partner, we will try to match you up with an appropriate handicap player.  If your email is sent successfully, a note will come up at the bottom of the screen.

Maximum eight-stroke difference in handicap

Tee times and pairings will be determined by flight.

Entries close Feb. 27.

There is no fee for this event.

This event is for BPWGC members only.

Name *

Email *



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