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Invited Guest Procedures
Invited Guest(s) - can be signed up on Wednesday, one week in advance. You can invite up to three guests (based on availability).
All guest(s) are limited to once every quarter. To qualify for sweeps you must have two members in the foursome. If the member cancels the guest(s) must cancel. If member and guest(s) cancel after 5:00 pm on Friday or do not play on Tuesday when scheduled they will be charged a $10 fee per member and guest(s). Members are responsible for any cancellation fees. Guests are limited to LADIES as it is ladies day.
Members if you choose to invite a guest (s) please be advised that you will likely be playing at the end of the field. We can not hold spaces for invited guests (see Guest sign up above). If the Sweeps chair finds there is an earlier opening to accommodate your foursome the Friday before, they will notify you via email.
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